Apartment Sneakpeek + Summerfest

Apartment Preview: We now have freshly-painted walls, and one lovely pebble-colored carpet thanks to H and D's great and extensive prep work. Bravo! We went with a muted palette that still has plenty of character: shadow grey, cotton white, mocha, amethyst, rain, and honey were paint swatch names...Our plan is to have white furniture to balance out this mellow, hopefully somewhat sophisticated rainbow. I've added a few up-close pics where the sun was playing fun tricks, but the grand reveal will be later when we have furniture in place. Stay tuned in a few more weeks!

Here's the lilac colored baby hat I just finished knitting. It's called the 'umbilical cord' pattern, due to knot on top. :) I've happily knitted a dozen of these for beloved friends and family, but it fills me with great joy that this hat is finally for our little one....

The weather was perfect this Sunday afternoon so we decided to join a friend at Berlin's Jewish Museum for 'Kultur-Sommer-Fest'. First we saw a fabulous and rare collection of illuminated manuscripts including megillot (scrolls), ketubot (illustrated marriage documents), and prayer books dating back from the 1500's. Amazing to see such breadth of ancient Jewish culture preserved so well from Iran, India, China, Germany, Spain, Italy, just to name a few countries.

Then we went out to the garden to attend a free, family-friendly event with live funky jazz music from a Tel Aviv band called 'Buttering Trio' (link below*), t-shirt design, face painting, matzah baking, Israeli-dancing and delicious eats: all natural ice cream and Iranian/Iraqi/Jewish food! The Jewish Bingo station was especially fascinating. It was led by a dynamic and talented Berliner, who had a great way of responding to young kids' quirky responses as well as a seasoned grandmother telling stories about her old way of life.

*My favorite song was about falafel. Here's link to the music: http://butteringtrio.com/


  1. Can't wait to see the final apartment reveal! The paint colors and those windows are gorgeous :)

  2. Thank you, Miss Olivia! I'm so glad you are following along here...I look forward to sharing more apartment updates as they develop!

  3. You kept a lot of your apartment hidden from that sneakpeek. Hahaha! I bet you were still busy tidying up the place when you decided to post that. Well, at least now I'm sure that the apartment is looking exactly how you want it to be. Keep us updated! All the best! :)

    Susan Scott @ Newington Lake House


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