Ersthelfer/First Aid Certification

Today I fulfilled a requirement for my German driver's license: the completion of a first-aid course. This is something that everyone must do to obtain a license. It does seem to encourage a personal responsibility in terms of helping out injured fellow citizens. (I had last been certified in 2011 in the States, but alas that was not recognized here.)

My experience was very positive; the course was mostly theory with summary quizzes and some practice. I listened to the computer module portion in German- read the captions and completed the quizzes in English, then observed demos. (Because I am notably pregnant and didn't have much choice in the timing here, I was not always down on the floor with the mannequins but I got to ask questions and participate verbally.)

It felt very familiar to be reacquainted with human physiology and basic anatomy. I also learned new words, facts, and techniques for treating accident victims, wound and limb care etc. Good stuff to know! For example:

Kreislauf: Circulation
Verbandkasten: First aid kit
Defi: short for Defibrillator
HLW: Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung (aka CPR!)
Sauerstoff: Oxygen

We learned about what to do after accidents, whom to call, what to report,  various recovery positions, and how to respond appropriately to life-threatening situations.

Despite the 90 degree heat, I enjoyed my city explorations on the way to the little courtyard where the class was taught. A bright neon bike, a pretty iron door, and some crazy wheat pastes.

Here's a GIANT Adidas ad on a building that looks ominously like war:/. Note the four stars on the left to indicate number of German World Cup wins. :)

Of course I took public transportation to and from the class, which worked like a charm.
The transit slogan is: Good for you (polite form). And Berlin.

Now I can check this off my to-do list.


  1. Hooray! You crossed something else off your to-do list. That always feels great. And you don't have much time left before some big changes. :)

    We should have to pass a first aid course here in America too. Good luck getting something generous and humane passed in this mess of a government!

    Colette, Lucien and I had a glorious outing this afternoon. We went to downtown Chapel Hill where we stopped at a coffee shop for a little treat and an espresso, looked around in the delightful Ackland Art Museum shop, enjoyed a local gallery, and stopped in a dress shop (Colette bought a cute long dress). Lucien was totally alert and enjoyed everything from his stroller. You'll be out walking with your baby before you know it.

    Much love.

  2. Thank you, Carol! That's great to hear you all had a fun outing:) Looking forward to strolling... Meanwhile, yup- I'm all in for generous and humane! xo-E


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